Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Italian Letter, Bush & Cheney at War

The Italian letter

With love from Italy

To Mr. VP Cheney

Dear Dick, hear ye

The intelligence

You've been hunting

Ferociously for at CIA

Your frequent visits

Have been noticed

Your deep yearnings

Haven't been dismissed

We've got some docs

You cannot resist.

Let me tell you how

They shall be passed

Let the British gov't

Be the scapegoat

The proverbial ass

Point to their intel

Expert discoveries

About Saddam Hussein

Buying quantities

Or attempts thereof

To secure uranium

The claim is a hoax

But by it we'll coax

The American people

To fear the most

Sensational ghost

Shock with scenarios

Possible probabilities

Forged debaucheries

Countless inaccuracies

Names and dates

Spelled incorrectly

Concoct it meticulously

Declare it nationally

Across every home TV

Before all of Congress

Shock, awe, and amaze

Leave them in a daze

Fearing for their lives

Imagining the inevitable

Though it will not be real

It will serve your purpose

Provide and position you

To move steadily on course

Enabling a huge war in Iraq

Years to procure oil and attack

Massive Halliburton contracts

A 300% increase in their stock

In Baghdad our troops will dock

First, just sell war aggressively

To Congress in Washington DC

Than bring the American people

To generously finance the story

Media conglomerates and papers

Mags, journals, profs, and authors

Before long, by reason of repetition

Everyone will swallow and believe

The lie will load you heavily for bear

The claim shall convincingly achieve

All you need to rally and cheer lead

Gather the troops and send forth

To battle the butcher of Baghdad

Take over where we left off with dad

Beware you Iraqis! Bush II is bad.

His assertions aren't nearly ironclad

But who needs truth when illusion

Works wonderfully with possibility

The faintest likelihood works good

Stirs sitting Congressmen to fight

The corrupt and obstruct administration

Will cook up tasty intel and do it right

Our cherry picking is Saddam's plight

Soon we'll be bombing deep into night

Uranium, uranus, your dirty little anus

Once we're secure in the theatre of war

With such minute details we'll not bore

Nor belabor ourselves with this anymore.

By then it is all about finding those WMD

Liberating the people of Iraq skillfully

Now slow down boys! Not too quickly.

Meanwhile the American people weary

Tired of war, watch Paris and Britney.

As they do Bush Co prepares to get paid

Get settled and cozy in Iraq for a decade

You know, help the Iraqis with food aid

Suck up and tap into their vast oil supply

Surely by now you know the reason why

Elisabetta Burba of Rome now does cry

Sit around kicking herself wondering why

She didn't reexamine the vile document

That was grossly manipulated to vent

Cheney & Bush's mandate for more

More war, oil, and arms contracts

Even Rove wanted Cheney hacked

Removed from the ticket in 2004

Realizing he is a warmonger whore

Ready to sell out for personal gain

Taking Saudis Thanksgiving leftovers

Assuring him more bloody oil dollars

After he leaves the White House

His maneuvering and profiteering

We the people are no longer feeling

"The British government has learned

That Saddam Hussein recently sought

Significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

Those 16 fatal words in President Bush's 2003

State of the Union address meant to frighten

Not enlighten, though our stomachs did tighten

To the smoking gun and mushroom cloud

Bush talking about terrorists bold and loud

Ambassador Joseph Wilson said that Niger

Had nothing of the sort for us to purport

Yet global intel rogues Bush did court

For bogus evidence on yellow cake, U3O8

The road to war a predetermined fate

Not by God, but by Cheney and Bush

False intel scandalous and amateurish.


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